Because Love is for Every Day
Food is love and care. And yes, all our menus are so delicious that often parents wait by their child's bowl hoping something will be left for them too.
Three-stage menu without dairy and gluten-free* for children over 10m+
*Без млечни или глутен-съдържащи продукти,
Десислава Миланова
„Успех във всичко, което правите. Вие сте надежда и промяна за по-здрави деца и по-леко ежедневие за родителите!“
Ивелина Мечкарска
„Има ястия, за които с мъжа ми чакаме обяда на малката с надежда да остане и за нас, а после се бием кой да го изяде. Дори кучето чака с надежда до стола ѝ. Адмирации за готвачите - невероятни са!“
Михаела Георгиева
„Десертите ви са страхотни! Кейкът с лимонова глазура ни е общ любимец вкъщи. Бих искала да благодаря на сладкарите и да ги попитам за рецептата му...“
Food is love and care. And yes, all our menus are so delicious that often parents wait by their child's bowl hoping something will be left for them too.
Our Stanford-certified nutritionist, Margarita Radulova, keeps track of innovations in children's menus and food preparation techniques.
Стандартните ни порции за супа и основно са с грамаж от 200 гр. За гладници предлагаме меню Гранде с порции от 270-300 гр. Десертите винаги са между 80 гр. и 150 гр., в зависимост от това дали е кремче или печиво.
All of them are sugar-free.
Our organic menus arrive to you in biodegradable packaging made from processed corn. The cardboard transport packaging is for multiple use. We use recycled plastic, BPA-free.
We take pride in the quality of the food we offer and the products we use. That's why we are pleased to share our suppliers with you.
At Furisto, we believe that every child deserves quality and real food. Always. With our name, we guarantee that every bite from Furisto is filled not only with delicious experience, but also with the most important ingredients – love and care. We support you- the parents, by providing easy, fast, and reliable access to real food, so necessary for the healthy growth of all children. Every day. For the little ones, the richness of colors and textures in our menus stimulates curiosity and turns them into tireless explorers of real food.
Choosing the best products and organic ingredients is not an achievement for us, but a standard from the very beginning. We pride ourselves on the quality of the food we offer and the ingredients we use. To ensure the origin of all products, we directly purchase many of the main raw materials from the producers ourselves. That's why we are pleased to share our suppliers with you.
For over two years now, we have been successfully recycling the cardboard packaging of Furisto. Every day, more than 40% of the packaging is returned for reuse, which is comparable only to the achievements of some of the most advanced countries in the world. We thank all the little children who, barely walking, already diligently throw plastic packaging into the yellow bin. Because it matters. For people, and for the planet.
Защо да изберете Furisto?
Как да поръчате?
С Furisto поръчката на детска храна е бърза и лесна. Само с няколко клика можете да изберете подходящото меню за вашето дете.
Нашата мисия
Във Furisto вярваме, че всяко дете заслужава най-доброто. Затова сме посветени на създаването на храни, които са не само вкусни, но и полезни за здравето на малките.
Разгледайте нашите менюта и осигурете на вашето дете вкусна и здравословна храна с Furisto!